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Around the world: Roses for Anna  

paintings and more...

Rosas para Anna_entre cantigas de Maria (Among Mary´s Songs)
This solo exhibition was at MHPS (Historical Paulo Setubal Museum) occupying the old cells under the Museum…It took place for two months in 2014. Besides the exhibition, there was a special particiption of diferent local artists, including musicians, and chorus.
Rosas para Anna_art in progress

it was the procedure of artistic practice, in which the main artist chooses a job, or a plastic visual proposal of her own and offers to other artists and interested observers. So the opportunity to intervene or interfere in this paper or plastic exhibition space intended for this purpose. It has emerged on the basis of the poetics of the artist Carla Fatio (me) and (my) her guests in tune with the plastic visual original work, open to innovations. Who is Anna? "Anna", is a female human being who lived a day of mourning and leaned forward to diversity, as a symbol of reunion of herself, or even better, is a symbolic gesture of mankind. There were a participating of several local artists, teachers from Belas Artes University and ex students from the Institution.

At MUBA (Museum of Belas Artes) in São Paulo, BR.

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>

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Roses for Anna´project

The project "Roses for Anna" searches in hosting more and more people by art in the world. There is an analogy to the project´s name which means symbolically opening the "heart" for the feminine energy, present in both men and women. Thus is an emblematic force connected to self-respect, reverence, respect for their culture, and many others positive concepts, for a common cause – quality of life.

Art Curater: Antonio Santoro Jr.

Rosas para anna_entre el cielo y la tierra(Between Haven and Earth)

This solo exhibition was at MAO (Alejandro Otero Museum) occupying 235m2. The big painting " Danza de Los Pétalos" (Petals´Dance) is  3 x 17m, mixed media on jeans by Canatiba-BR.

It took place from October 2014 to February 2015, at room 5, with the institutional collaboration of  IArtes Venezuela, Camera Brasil-Venezuela- São Paulo; Town Hall of Monteiro Lobato City, Brazil Embassy in Caracas (Ruy Moreira Ambassador) and FAB – (Brazilian Air Force), and friends.

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